At Leigh Saint Peter’s CE Primary School, we are committed to providing quality and excellence through an exciting, stimulating environment that stretches and develops the child as a whole. We intend to do this through providing a broad and balanced learning experience, which ensures each child receives a full entitlement of the National Curriculum as well learning about key topics for the children in our community.  Our curriculum has been designed to stimulate our children’s natural curiosity, to build resilience and perseverance and allow them to take risks within their learning.  This will enable our children to develop social skills and encourage them to become more active citizens within the school community and beyond becoming:

  • SUCCESSFUL LEARNERS, who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve.
  • CONFIDENT INDIVIDUALS, who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives.
  • RESPONSIBLE CITIZENS, who make a positive contribution to society. 


We intend to deliver a curriculum that:

  • Supports children to become life-long readers.
  • Promotes democracy, liberty, law, respect and tolerance.
  • Develops children socially, morally, spiritually and culturally.
  • Broadens and strengthens the minds of young people. Encourages them to challenge the narrative given to them by their community.
  • Arms children with knowledge that allows them to contribute to discussions about the world around them and problems faced by society.
  • Develops a healthy critical eye in children and instils strong values that challenge discrimination in all of its forms.
  • Develops children’s skills in a range of subjects to prepare them for secondary school and future employment.
  • Provide experiences for children that they may not receive outside of the school environment.
  • Creates resilient learners that enjoy solving problems.

If you would like to find out more information about our curriculum offer please email the school office on