All applications for school places are coordinated through Wigan Local Authority. Please see the links below to apply:
Reception Class for September 2023 places:
Applications for admissions to school for September 2023 are now open. You are able to apply via the link below, which will re-direct to the Council application site. The closing date is 15th January 2023, placed will be shared from the Council on National Offer Day in April. If you require any support using the application portal on-line, please contact the Council Admissions Team direct on 01942 489013.
As a Voluntary Aided Primary School, the Governors require extra information for your application to be considered against our faith admissions criteria. Therefore, you are strongly encouraged to complete our supplementary form and once completed hand this in at the school office. (Please do not submit this to the Council). Places cannot be ranked on faith criteria without a supplementary form having been received and approved by your place of worship or baptism.
Moving house or area?
Midyear applications are processed through the Local Authority, School Places Team. Before submitting an application to transfer schools parents/carers must ensure that everyone who qualifies as a ‘parent’ under education law agrees to the transfer. If at any stage the Council are informed that anyone who has a right to participate in decisions about your child’s education is not in agreement to a school transfer the application cannot be processed. The Local Authority cannot mediate disputes between parents. Parents must resolve disputes about transfers between themselves, legally if necessary. For further information please read the government’s guidance:
Government Guide to Parental Responsibility
Apply for a midyear transfer here:
If you would like to view the school prior to making an application, or have any questions, please
contact the School Office on 01942 671442 or by email at:
The Council School Places Team details:
The School Organisation Team, People Directorate Children,
Adults and Families
Waterside House, Waterside
Drive Wigan
Tel: 01942 486030 / 486027 Website: Wigan School Places Email:
Admission arrangements:
Appeal information from Wigan Council
Future Reception applications / Register of Interest:
If you are interested in sending your child to Leigh St Peter’s CE Primary, please complete and return the Registration of Interest form to the school office.
We will then hold your records on file and will contact you before the admission arrangements commence for Reception places to communicate the process.